Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I have nothing relevant to say so I'll just you know whatever sense no one reads this! Hahahaha so it doesn't really matter what I say. I'm gonna make a list of random stuff:
1) I like mangos...😉😋💙
2) I love josh! #teampeetaforever
3) I am going to paint my nails Jack skeleton style 
4) It's gonna be awesome^^
5) This is stupid..
6) That's ok..
7) I am excited for Christmas and for snow and snow flakes to get in my hair and all over the trees and grass^.^
8) I want all the big sweat shirts and cozy sweaters in this world(because they are amazing and why not?)
9) I would like to start running...we shall see
10) I wish I was friends with a flamingo(inside joke don't ask...and yes I am perfectly ok)